Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics for Truths Report — Independent Journalism

Accuracy and Truthfulness: We commit to reporting facts accurately and verifying all information before publication.

Editorial Independence: We maintain our editorial autonomy, free from political, economic, or personal influences.

Impartiality and Objectivity: We strive to present all relevant viewpoints in a balanced and impartial manner, without favoring specific interests.

Transparency: We disclose our funding sources clearly and transparently. We do not accept funding that compromises our editorial independence.

Respect and Accountability: We respect the dignity and privacy of individuals involved in our reporting. We hold ourselves accountable for the impacts of our publications.

Professional Ethics: We adhere to ethical journalistic practices and commit to upholding the core principles of journalism.

Correction of Errors: We pledge to promptly correct any factual errors identified in our reporting.

Diversity and Inclusion: We value diversity of perspectives and strive to promote inclusion in our journalistic coverage.

Commitment to the Community: We recognize our role in society and work to inform, educate, and empower our readers responsibly.

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